Food Pantry Distribution Hours:
Wednesdays 9:00AM-1:00PM & 5PM-6:30PM
Food Donation Hours
Our donation bin is outside, under the Welcome banner, behind the church
8:30AM to 3PM, Monday through Friday and checked throughout the day.
As the only food pantry in Radnor Township, we have been serving 70+ families on a weekly basis since the pandemic began (which is twice as much as before!) We are thankful for the opportunity to serve our community and neighbors in need. YOU can help too!
If you feel called to help, we accept non-expired, non-perishable items that can be dropped into the donation bin located outside Mon-Fri, 8am-3pm (by the Welcome banner, off the parking lot.) Below is a list of what we give in every bag that goes out to a family with food insecurity.
If you would like to help but are unable to pick up food items, please consider a monetary donation here (link to donation page) with Food Pantry in the memo or gift cards to local supermarkets, like Acme or Giant.
Items we accept include (but are not limited to) the following:
- canned tuna/chicken/meats
- canned soup
- canned beans
- canned vegetables
- canned fruit
- jams/jellies/peanut butter
- spaghetti sauce
- pasta
- mac & cheese
- boxed rice & mashed potatoes
- cereal
- applesauce
- meal kits (i.e. Hamburger Helper)
- toiletries (i.e. toilet paper, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, etc.)

If you know someone who is in need, please direct them to our food pantry during these hours; we would be happy to serve them! There is no application process to receive our services. Our food pantry provides 1 pre-packed bag of non-perishable groceries per household per week, while supplies last!

A guide to Meals on Wheels for seniors, covering what the program is, how to sign up, and what types of meals are offered.
210 S. Wayne Ave, Wayne PA, 19087-4072
Monday-Friday: 8:30-3pm
© 2024 Wayne Church