9.8.24 - Blessing of the Backpacks


All children, youth and adults with a backpack, lunch bag, work bag, or laptop bag are invited to bring their bag to worship for a blessing for the new school year.

9.18.24 - Blood drive

SEPTEMBER 18, 2024

Be someone’s hero, donate blood. Sign up HERE.

9.28.24 - Church Picnic

SEPTEMBER 28, 2024


10.24.24 - Women’s Book Talk

OCTOBER 24, 2024

The ladies will be talking about The Women, by Kristin Hannah next. It’s a very popular book that gives an intimate portrait of coming of age in a dangerous time and an epic tale of a nation divided. We will meet at Becky Douglas’ home to discuss. Enjoy reading!

11.2.24—11.3.24 - Women’s Fall Retreat

NOVEMBER 2 & 3, 2024

Save the Date and check back for all the details!

  210 S. Wayne Ave, Wayne PA, 19087-4072

  Monday-Friday: 8:30-3pm




© 2024 Wayne Church